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This pilgrimage takes you through the Khan Khentii mountain range. The hike starts 170 kilometers northeast of Ulaanbaatar, near the hidden Shar Bulag spring in the Tuv province. Expect to see lots of wildflowers, deer, boar, and maybe even wolves while you trek through this wild and remote region. Expect a challenging hike where you carry everything you need on this pilgrimage to remove blockages from both your mind and body. Except for our experienced guide, there will be no cooks or service staff joining you on this pilgrimage. Your total immersion in these stunning natural surroundings will make your trek all the more special!
NOTE: A good level of fitness is required for this hiking tour, as you will be carrying your camping equipment and food supplies by yourself!
Your itinerary:
Leave Ulaanbaatar and transfer to the start of the hike in Shar Bulag.
A full day of hiking through mountain scenery.
A full day of hiking through mountain scenery.
Finish your hike in the town of Mungunmorit. Overnight stay in a ger camp along the Kherlen River.
Transfer back to Ulaanbaatar.