Mongolian Buddhists believe that the mythical kingdom of Shambhala, also known as Shangri-La, is accessible through ‘access points’ known only to visionary mediators. Join us on a spiritual tour of discovery in the eastern Gobi desert to visit a restored symbolic Shambhala replica and learn about this location and its mystic energy.
Spend five days undergoing multiple ritual sessions, cleansing your body and unblocking your chakras. Work with a specialist energy healer to help you overcome past trauma, reconnect to your ancestors and heal your mental, spiritual and physical states to become a healthier and happier person!
Before Buddhism was introduced in the 16th century, Mongol spirituality was centered around ancient shamanistic beliefs. Book with us to meet with an authentic Mongolian shaman, allow him to read your past, present and future and receive the blessings of the Great Blue Sky.