Connect to mythical Shambhala
Also known as ‘Shangri-la,’ the mystical kingdom of Shambhala was first described in an 11th century Buddhist text called the Kalachakra Tantra. Ever since, adventurers have wondered if it actually exists on this Earth, and have set off to find it. Mongolian Buddhists believe that Shambhala exists on an ethereal plane parallel to our world, but that there are ‘access points’ known only to visionary meditators.
One such a visionary was the great Mongolian lama Danzan Ravjaa, who lived through the beginning of the 19th century (1803-56) and was the 5th Lama of the Gobi. He sensed a particular ‘power spot’ in the eastern Gobi Desert near the Khamaryn monastery, his monastic seat. It was there that he built a symbolic replica of Shambhala, complete with instructions for pilgrims on how to use the site for creating good karma in this life, and actually going to Shambhala in the next.
Now completely rebuilt since the Communist destruction in the 1930’s, we invite you on a fully-guided, once-in-a-lifetime journey into the Shambhala of the Gobi.
Your itinerary
Leave the capital city of Ulaanbaatar. Drive out to the eastern Gobi and arrival at Ikhnart rocks.
The Ikhnart rocks are the home for Argali sheep. We will explore the area on foot
to get closer to the local wildlife.
Drive to the Khamaryn Monastery and Shambhala site. Overnight stay at a local ger camp.
A full-day guided Shambhala tour in the area. Start the day with an offering of milk to the sunrise.
Join in on chanting at the Khamaryn monastery and receive an introduction to the ‘Red Hat’
Buddism cult and the legacy of its famous master, Lama Danzanravjaa. Overnight stay at a local ger camp.
Visit the wish-fulfilling ‘Rich Heart Mountain’ and visit a Danzanravjaa museum in the town of Saenshand. Late arrival in Ulaanbaatar.

Book now!
Shambhala monastery threatened by mining efforts!
Unfortunately, recent mining operations are threatening the cultural heritage of the Khamaryn monastery. Watch this video to learn more about this issue, and help spread awareness to secure this unique cultural site and its continued existence!